Friday, August 21, 2009

Thank You!

I just wanted to take the time and say, thank you to you guys that follow my blog. I don't post much or get much traffic but you guys following means all the world to me.
You guys really are great!

Friday, August 7, 2009

Reject Button

I made this track a while back. If you haven't checked my music page, this is one of the tracks up there.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009


So, I have some songs up on my myspace page. They're fairly old. Okay, haha mega old. Not too many people know about that I suppose. But around my area I'll be performing or at least looking to. SO LOOK OUT FOR ME. But listen. I'm still developing my style music wise. But I hope you can dig these old tracks, if so support me! And put that image on any profile you have that supports html coding. Thanks to my little sis for the image! She's got talent with the arts too, right?


Help support me!

BEST Night of my Life

So my team (poetry) slammed at BNV (Brave New Voices) in Chicago this past July. Basically it changed my life. This one night in particular fueled that changed. It was supercallifragillisticexpeallidocious. Haha. Basically some people wanted to cypher. I wanted to sing. So I sang and it grew into this huge party. I'm pretty sure someone has the full but this is the beginning. Enjoy or something like that. Thanks Azania! :)